Check if RecyclerView is scrollable

What about

// 1 = down; -1 = up

If you want to check if there is any scrollable space, no matter which direction

cardList.canScrollVertically(1) || cardList.canScrollVertically(-1)

There you go:

public boolean isRecyclerScrollable() {
  LinearLayoutManager layoutManager = (LinearLayoutManager) recyclerView.getLayoutManager();
  RecyclerView.Adapter adapter = recyclerView.getAdapter();
  if (layoutManager == null || adapter == null) return false;

  return layoutManager.findLastCompletelyVisibleItemPosition() < adapter.getItemCount() - 1;

The idea is to check if the last completely visible element is the last element in the list.

private boolean isScrollable()
    return mLinearLayoutManager.findLastCompletelyVisibleItemPosition() + 1 ==

I found an easy solution that works regardless of the position you are in the list:

public boolean isRecyclerScrollable(RecyclerView recyclerView) {
    return recyclerView.computeHorizontalScrollRange() > recyclerView.getWidth() || recyclerView.computeVerticalScrollRange() > recyclerView.getHeight();