Check if date is a valid one

I just found a really messed up case.

moment('Decimal128', 'YYYY-MM-DD').isValid() // true

How to check if a string is a valid date using Moment, when the date and date format are different

Sorry, but did any of the given solutions on this thread actually answer the question that was asked?

I have a String date and a date format which is different. Ex.: date: 2016-10-19 dateFormat: "DD-MM-YYYY". I need to check if this date is a valid date.

The following works for me...

const date = '2016-10-19';
const dateFormat = 'DD-MM-YYYY';
const toDateFormat = moment(new Date(date)).format(dateFormat);
moment(toDateFormat, dateFormat, true).isValid();

// Note I: `new Date()` circumvents the warning that
//   Moment throws (,
//   but may not be optimal.

// Note II: passing `true` as third argument to `moment()` enables strict-mode

But honestly, don't understand why moment.isDate()(as documented) only accepts an object. Should also support a string in my opinion.

var date = moment('2016-10-19', 'DD-MM-YYYY', true);

You should add a third argument when invoking moment that enforces strict parsing. Here is the relevant portion of the moment documentation It is near the end of the section.

Was able to find the solution. Since the date I am getting is in ISO format, only providing date to moment will validate it, no need to pass the dateFormat.

var date = moment("2016-10-19");

And then date.isValid() gives desired result.