Check if all listed packages are installed in bash

The dpkg -s command returns the status of installed packages. For example, on my system, if I run it for firefox which is installed and nedit which isn't, I get:

$ dpkg -s firefox
Package: firefox
Status: install ok installed
Priority: optional
Section: web
Installed-Size: 94341
Maintainer: Clement Lefebvre <[email protected]>
Architecture: amd64
Version: 41.0~linuxmint1+betsy
Replaces: firefox-l10n-af, firefox-l10n-ar, firefox-l10n-be, firefox-l10n-bg, firefox-l10n-bn-bd, firefox-l10n-ca, firefox-l10n-cs, firefox-l10n-da, firefox-l10n-de, firefox-l10n-el, firefox-l10n-en-gb, firefox-l10n-en-us, firefox-l10n-eo, firefox-l10n-es, firefox-l10n-et, firefox-l10n-eu, firefox-l10n-fa, firefox-l10n-fi, firefox-l10n-fr, firefox-l10n-fy, firefox-l10n-gl, firefox-l10n-gu, firefox-l10n-he, firefox-l10n-hi, firefox-l10n-hr, firefox-l10n-hu, firefox-l10n-id, firefox-l10n-is, firefox-l10n-it, firefox-l10n-ja, firefox-l10n-kn, firefox-l10n-ko, firefox-l10n-lt, firefox-l10n-lv, firefox-l10n-nb, firefox-l10n-nl, firefox-l10n-nn, firefox-l10n-pl, firefox-l10n-pt, firefox-l10n-pt-br, firefox-l10n-ro, firefox-l10n-ru, firefox-l10n-sk, firefox-l10n-sl, firefox-l10n-sq, firefox-l10n-sr, firefox-l10n-sv, firefox-l10n-th, firefox-l10n-tr, firefox-l10n-uk, firefox-l10n-zh
Provides: gnome-www-browser, www-browser
Breaks: firefox-l10n-en-us
Description: The Firefox web browser
 The Mozilla Firefox Web Browser.

$ dpkg -s nedit
dpkg-query: package 'nedit' is not installed and no information is available
Use dpkg --info (= dpkg-deb --info) to examine archive files,
and dpkg --contents (= dpkg-deb --contents) to list their contents.

So, you can use that command to check whether a package is installed:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

    ## Prompt the user 
    read -p "Do you want to install missing libraries? [Y/n]: " answer
    ## Set the default value if no answer was given
    ## If the answer matches y or Y, install
    [[ $answer =~ [Yy] ]] && apt-get install ${boostlibnames[@]}

boostlibnames=("libboost-serialization1.55.0" "libboost-thread1.55.0"
                "libboost-date-time1.55.0" "libboost-signals1.55.0" "nedit")
## Run the run_install function if sany of the libraries are missing
dpkg -s "${boostlibnames[@]}" >/dev/null 2>&1 || run_install

I use the following code in my work called the Easy Bash, which helps install the most popular packages quicky on Ubuntu servers. This code will check the listed packages installed or not.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

packages=("curl" "gnupg2" "ca-certificates" "lsb-release")

for pkg in ${packages[@]}; do

    is_pkg_installed=$(dpkg-query -W --showformat='${Status}\n' ${pkg} | grep "install ok installed")

    if [ "${is_pkg_installed}" == "install ok installed" ]; then
        echo ${pkg} is installed.


enter image description here



