Characterizing pseudo-differential operators as a subalgebra of continuous endomorphisms of tempered distributions

Let me try: Consider $S^m_{1,0}$ and $SG^{m,0}$, where the second class of SG-symbols $SG^{m_\psi,m_e}$ is defined by the estimates $$|\partial_x^\alpha \partial_\xi^\beta a(x,\xi)| \lesssim_{\alpha,\beta} \langle x\rangle^{m_e-|\alpha|} \langle \xi\rangle^{m_\psi-|\beta|}.$$ Clearly, $SG^{m,0}$ is a subset of $S^m_{1,0}$, therefore $L^p$-boundedness follows from the $L^p$-boundedness of Kohn-Nirenberg pseudos.

I haven't thought about the completeness, but I don't see a big difference between Kohn-Nirenberg and SG there.