Changing the width of twitter bootstrap popover

You can change the popover's dimensions with CSS:


But that CSS will change ALL popovers. What you need to do is put the button in a container element and use CSS like this:

#containerElem .popover {
  max-width:none; // Required for popovers wider than 276px (Bootstrap's max-width for popovers)

You also need to change data-container="#containerElem" to match your container.

NOTE: If your popover is going to have a width greater than 276px, you need to override the max-width property as well. So add max-width: none to the .popover {} class.

Here's a jsFiddle:

I might have an easier solution:

Add the following css class:

.app-popover-fw { width: 276px; }

Use the following template for your popover

var newPopoverTemplate = '<div class="popover app-popover-fw" role="popover">' +
                             '<div class="arrow"></div>'+ 
                             '<h3 class="popover-title"></h3>'+
                             '<div class="popover-content"></div>'+

$('#example').popover({template: newPopoverTemplate });`

Working fiddle:

NB: As others said, there is a "max-width" property on bs popovers. You need to alter this one if you want your popover larger than 276px.

    max-width: 100%;
    width: <width>;

The 'max-width' sets max-width of popover to the width of the page. You can then set the width as you like

If you want to controle the width in javascript:

HTML (example from Bootstrap)

<button id="exampleButton" type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-container="body" data-toggle="popover" data-placement="top" data-content="Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus.">
  Popover on top</button>


We set the max-width when event is triggered:

var p = $("#exampleButton").popover();
p.on("", function(e){"bs.popover").tip().css({"max-width": "500px"});

  • You can also add a data-max-width attribute on the button element and get the value in the trigger function:

p.on("", function(e){
    var w = $(this).attr("data-max-width");"bs.popover").tip().css({"max-width": w});