Changing content of class using Javascript

It is easier to use jQuery with Javascript

See this example:

If you use jquery instead of calling


you can use

x = $('.demo');

but you can just call the function like this:

        $('.demo').text('Hello Javascript');

Notice how when you use:


It is Elements instead of Element. This is because it returns an array a HTMLCollection of all the elements with one particular class name. In order to combat this, you can choose the first element in the array:


Your x - is array of elements. try to use loop:


<p class="demo">JavaScript can change the content of an HTML element.</p>    
<p class="demo">Yolo</p>   

<button type="button" onclick="myFunction()">Click Me!</button>

function myFunction()
x=document.getElementsByClassName("demo");  // Find the elements
    for(var i = 0; i < x.length; i++){
    x[i].innerText="Hello JavaScript!";    // Change the content

