Change to default start folder for Windows command prompt

First method : Execute a change-directory command when cmd starts

From "How to change the default startup directory for Command Prompt?":

Click Start, Run, and type Regedit.exe.
Navigate to the following branch:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor

On Windows 10 update 1909, the key is rather in the following location. No reboot is required.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Command Processor

In the right-pane, double-click Autorun and set the startup folder path as its data, preceded by "CD /d ".
If Autorun value is missing, you need to create it, of type String in the above location.

Example: To set the startup directory to F:\Windows, set the Autorun value data to "CD /d F:\Windows".

Second method : Change user's home folder

Right-click "My computer" and choose Manage.
Select "Local users and Groups" and then Users.
Double-click the user in question and go to the Profile tab.
Set in "Home folder" the required directory as the value of "Local path" and do OK.

The command prompt automatically starts in the Home Directory specified in your user profile.

A "workaround" to avoid messing with scripts and such is to create a new shortcut to cmd.exe.

  • Create a new shortcut to %systemroot%\system32\cmd.exe
  • Once the shortcut is created, right-click and select Properties
  • In the Shortcut tab, set the "Start in" field to the path you want to start in, ie, C:\foo\bar\Something Else
  • Click OK and try your new shortcut!