Change the node names in an XML file using C#

(1.) The [XmlElement / XmlNode].Name property is read-only.

(2.) The XML structure used in the question is crude and could be improved.

(3.) Regardless, here is a code solution to the given question:

String sampleXml =

XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

XmlNodeList stuffNodeList = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("//*[starts-with(name(), 'Stuff')]");

foreach (XmlNode stuffNode in stuffNodeList)
    // get existing 'Content' node
    XmlNode contentNode = stuffNode.SelectSingleNode("Content");

    // create new (renamed) Content node
    XmlNode newNode = xmlDoc.CreateElement(contentNode.Name + stuffNode.Name);

    // [if needed] copy existing Content children
    //newNode.InnerXml = stuffNode.InnerXml;

    // replace existing Content node with newly renamed Content node
    stuffNode.InsertBefore(newNode, contentNode);


PS: I came here looking for a nicer way of renaming a node/element; I'm still looking.

The easiest way I found to rename a node is:

xmlNode.InnerXmL = newNode.InnerXml.Replace("OldName>", "NewName>")

Don't include the opening < to ensure that the closing </OldName> tag is renamed as well.


