Change TFS Work Item Type

Not easily. You could try and hack the database, but that's really not a good idea. Just like dancing barefoot in a room full of broken glass whilst juggling live grenades isn't a good idea.

I'd suggest you create a new work item for the change request, link it to the bug and then set the bug state to obsolete/closed.

As noted you cannot directly change the work item type however there is a nice shortcut that may save you a lot of time for these scenarios. It will automatically copy links to change sets, test cases etc.

  1. Right-click on your workitem and select "Create Copy of Work Item"
  2. The following dialog window will pop up where you can then change the work item type for the new item:

enter image description here

Result: A new work item is created with the new type and the old one automatically added as a link and a comment added to the history area stating the work item ID it was copied from..