change css link and wait till new css is loaded

@ahren had it almost correct. However using a callback when the css file is finished loading via dynamically changing the href on a link element DOES NOT seem to work on most mobile devices.

Instead try directly injecting the style into a style element using load .. ends up being supported by most modern browsers including mobile ones

UPDATED to include support for IE 8- ; NOTE this requires you to inject a dummy rule into your css to verify when the css is loaded (in this case use body {ready:true;})


body {ready:true;}


<style id="your-style-element"></style>


if (document.createStyleSheet) {

    //Wait for style to be loaded
    var wait = setInterval(function(){
      //Check for the style to be applied to the body
      if($('body').css('ready') === 'true') {

        //CSS ready
    }, 300);

} else {
    //Dynamically load the css for this doc

       //CSS ready


<link id="mystylesheet" href="/path/to/css.css" />


  //Your javascript
}).attr("href", "/new/path/to/css.css");

This will replace your current CSS, and execute any code within the .load() handler after the new CSS file has been fetched.