CentOS 7.7 and Python

Python 3 is available in the python3 package:

yum install python3

The interpreter is also python3, python will still run the Python 2 interpreter.

Python 2 has been declared EOL by the PSF, but Red Hat still provides support for Python 2 in RHEL, and CentOS should continue to benefit from that support.

Python 2.7.5, which comes from CentOS, is not actually EOL as CentOS will support it throughout the lifecycle of CentOS 7. The same is true for the Python 2.7.5 that comes with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.

If you want to get Python 3, then you can install it with:

yum install python3

You can also get it from from the CentOS Software Collections Repo:

yum install centos-release-scl

You can then install any subversion of Python 3 up to 3.6 with:

yum install rh-python33
yum install rh-python34
yum install rh-python35
yum install rh-python36



