\centerline{} command alternative?

The \centerline command should never be used in a LaTeX document (unless you know precisely what you're doing, and probably only in the preamble for some definition). Use




and <whatever> (a graphic, a TikZ picture or anything) will be centered.

You can use adjustbox

\usepackage[export]{adjustbox}  %%  export option makes adjustbox --
                                %%  -- goodies available inside includegraphics command

X\hrulefill X

enter image description here

This is very useful for figures that are wider than \textwidth. Another useful macro will be adjustbox environment with max width option.


X\hrulefill X

This is resized to \verb|1.1\textwidth|
\begin{adjustbox}{center,max width=1.1\textwidth}
The following is not resized:
\begin{adjustbox}{center,max width=1.1\textwidth}


enter image description here

enter image description here

The advantage of max width is that the content is resized only if it exceeds the max width otherwise not.

With tikzpicture environment

I assume that your tikz picture are saved as separate files. Then using adjustbox and tikzscale packages:


\begin{tikzpicture}[inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt]
    \draw[use as bounding box](-20,-20) rectangle (20,20);
    \node at (0,0) (A) {A};
    \node[above right] (B) at (A.north east) {B};
    \draw (A.south west)--(B.north east);

X\hrulefill X

This is resized to \verb|1.1\textwidth|
\begin{adjustbox}{max width=1.1\textwidth,center}
The following is not resized:
\begin{adjustbox}{max width=1.1\textwidth,center}

enter image description here