Center text between double horizontal rules

You can use the same idea, but leaders don't work here, so I prepare a vbox with the double rules after computing their width.

Somewhat arbitrarily, the space between the rules is four times their thickness.


    \setbox2=\vbox to \ht0{%
      \hrule width \dimen4 height #1
      \kern 4\dimexpr#1\relax
      \hrule width \dimen4 height #1
    \copy2 \box0 \box2




enter image description here

I would go a different route and place the text in a coloured box over the lines. This way you don't have to worry about the centering.

(The code below is just a prove of concept, please adjust the lengths to your needs)







\textbetweenrules{longer text text text}



enter image description here

It might be overkill to load TikZ for that, but if you load it anyway, you might consider this code:


\centerline{\tikz{\draw[double,line width=1pt,double distance between line
centers=3pt] (0,0)--(\linewidth,0) node[midway,fill=white]{#1};}}}



\RuleText{koala bear}





enter image description here

