Center and Split string with maxchar

All you need is a loop for full chunks and a special condition for the last one:

    public static IEnumerable<String> SplitByLength(String value, 
      int size, // you may want to set default for size, i.e. "size = 36"
      Char padding = ' ') {

      if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) 
        yield break; // or throw an exception or return new String(padding, size);

      if (size <= 0)
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("size", "size must be a positive value");

      // full chunks with "size" length
      for (int i = 0; i < value.Length / size; ++i)
        yield return value.Substring(i * size, size);

      // the last chunk (if it exists) should be padded
      if (value.Length % size > 0) {
        String chunk = value.Substring(value.Length / size * size);

        yield return new String(padding, (size - chunk.Length) / 2) + 
          chunk + 
          new String(padding, (size - chunk.Length + 1) / 2);

String source = "27 Calle, Col. Ciudad Nueva, San Pedro Sula, Cortes";

// I've set padding to '*' in order to show it
// 27 Calle, 
// Col. Ciuda
// d Nueva, S
// an Pedro S
// ula, Corte
// ****s*****
  SplitByLength(source, 10, '*')));

Your sample:

  string x = "27 Calle, Col. Ciudad Nueva, San Pedro Sula, Cortes";
  List<String> lines = SplitByLength(x, 36).ToList();

You don't need recursive function here. Also some operations are not optimal.

private static String TextAlignCenter(String Line)
    int len = 36; // avoid magic numbers
    StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); 
    String CenterLine = String.Empty;

    for (int i = 0; i < Line.Length; i += len)
        if ((i + len) < Line.Length)
            b.AppendLine(Line.Substring(i, len));  // add new line at the end                     
            CenterLine = Line.Substring(i);
            int CountLineSpaces = (len - CenterLine.Length) / 2;    
            // new string(' ', CountLineSpaces) replicates ' '  CountLineSpaces times
            CenterLine = new string(' ', CountLineSpaces) + CenterLine;                     
            b.Append(CenterLine);  // string tail, no new line

    return b.ToString();

fiddle demo



