Celery task in Flask for uploading and resizing images and storing it to Amazon S3

I know this is a very old question, but I was struggling with passing the file's contents to the celery task. I would keep getting errors trying to follow what others have done. So I wrote this up, hoping it may help others in the future.


  • Send the file contents to the celery task with base64 encoding
  • Decode the data in the celery task and use io.BytesIO for the stream

Long answer

I was not interested in saving the image to disk and reading it again, so I wanted to pass the needed data to reconstruct the file in the background.

Trying to follow what others suggest, I kept getting encoding errors. Some of the errors were:

  • UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xff in position 0: invalid start byte
  • TypeError: initial_value must be str or None, not bytes

The TypeError was thrown by the io.StringIO. Trying to decode the data to get rid of the UnicodeDecodeError did not make much sense. As the data is binary in the first place, I tried to use a io.BytesIO instance, and that worked perfectly. The only thing I needed to do was to encode the file's stream with base64 and then I would be able to pass the content to the celery task.

Code samples


import base64

file_.stream.seek(0) # start from beginning of file
# some of the data may not be defined
data = {
  'stream': base64.b64encode(file_.read()),
  'name': file_.name,
  'filename': file_.filename,
  'content_type': file_.content_type,
  'content_length': file_.content_length,
  'headers': {header[0]: header[1] for header in file_.headers}

# add logic to sanitize required fields

# define the params for the upload (here I am using AWS S3)
bucket, s3_image_path = AWS_S3_BUCKET, AWS_S3_IMAGE_PATH
# import and call the background task
from async_tasks import upload_async_photo 


import base64, io
from werkzeug.datastructures import FileStorage

def upload_async_photo(data, image_path, bucket):
    bucket = get_s3_bucket(bucket) # get bucket instance
        # decode the stream
        data['stream'] = base64.b64decode(data['stream'])
        # create a BytesIO instance
        # https://docs.python.org/3/library/io.html#binary-i-o
        data['stream'] = io.BytesIO(data['stream'])
        # create the file structure
        file_ = FileStorage(**data)
        # upload image
    except Exception as e:


I also changed what content celery accepts and how it serializes data. To avoid having trouble passing the Bytes instance to the celery task, I had to add the following to my config:


It looks like you are attempting to pass the entire uploaded file as part of the Celery message. I imagine that is causing you some trouble. I would recommend seeing if you can save the file to the web server as part of the view, then have the message (the "delay" argument) contain the filename rather than entire file's data. The task can then read the file in from the hard drive, upload to s3, then delete it locally.