Catch React Native fetch error without halting the app with red screen

Hilarious, three years almost and no proper answer still. However, console.error(error) is what actually causing the app to throw a red screen.

This is how I solved this, making graceful errors that don't crash the app using promises:

In my API service class:

  fetchEvents() {
    let thisCurrentAPIService = this;

    return new Promise(
      function (resolve, reject) {
          function(response) {
            if (response.ok) {    
              let responseText = JSON.stringify(response.text());
            else {
              reject(new Error(`Unable to retrieve events.\nInvalid response received - (${response.status}).`));
          function(error) {
            reject(new Error(`Unable to retrieve events.\n${error.message}`));

Then I call it from my React Component. If I receive an error, I create the alert there.

      function (value) {
        console.log('Contents: ' + value);
      function (reason) {


React Native