Catch all unhandled javascript promise rejections

The whole world is waiting for the unhandledrejection and rejectionhandled events. As of March 2016, Chrome is now the first to support it.


window.addEventListener('unhandledrejection', function(event) {
    console.error('Unhandled rejection (promise: ', event.promise, ', reason: ', event.reason, ').');

Specification: HTML Living Standard

Mozilla Developer: onrejectionhandled, onunhandledrejection

Chromium Issues: 495801, 393913

Note that in Node the event is called unhandledRejection:

process.on('unhandledRejection', function(err, promise) {
    console.error('Unhandled rejection (promise: ', promise, ', reason: ', err, ').');

On version 12+, node will terminate on these rejections.

uncaught library can help you to catch unhandled promise rejections.

And it handles uncaught errors as well.


<script type="text/javascript" src=".../uncaught/lib/index.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
    uncaught.addListener(function (error) {
        console.log('Uncaught error or rejection: ', error.message);

Benefit of this approach is the only one interface, which allows you to handle both uncaught errors and unhandled promise rejections.

Some libraries have their own APIs for doing this. Some browsers will report unhandled rejections (sooner or later).

Actually, done probably does not do what you want. This is why it is not part of the spec. In any case, you still have to remember to call it.

There is no reliable, cross-platform, cross-library way to do this.