cassandra with scala

Cassie is "A Scala client for Cassandra": According to twitter's dev block it was released on 2012-02-09, after the initial answer to this question. also lists Cascal which I think is older than Cassie.

Have you looked at the classes in the template package? They may make your wrapper more concise. We have a quick how-to on the wiki:

Two popular client-drivers are Quill and Phantom. They both use Datastax underneath. I did a load test profiling of a simple json GET/POST using play for both. You can see the side-by-side comparisons of results in the projects under root/loadtest/phantom|quill/results.

Might help you better to choose a driver.

Cassandra 3.10 scala 2.11.8 phantom 2.6.4 quill 1.2.1

The official Scala driver for Apache Cassandra and Datastax Enterprise, with full support for CQL 3.0, is phantom.

Phantom was developed at Outworkers, official Datastax partners, explicitly to superseed all other drivers. It's being actively developed and maintained, with full support for all the newest Cassandra features.

Disclaimer: I am the project lead on phantom, and a result may be possibly biased in my recommendation. We offer more in depth feature comparisons on the phantom wiki.