Carets \^{} not rendered correctly

You can test if #1 is empty


two carets (\texttt{\^{}}) produce a superscript (e.g.,
\texttt{ClO\^{}-1\^{}} renders ClO\textsuperscript{-1})


The issue applies to all accents in TU encoding. If no precomposed glyph is present then it falls back to using a combining character but if the base is empty this then combines with the previous character.

we should fix this in the base release but you can add a guard so that an empty base is detected and replaced by no-break space.

enter image description here




two carets (\texttt{\^{}}) produce a superscript (e.g.,
\texttt{ClO\^{}-1\^{}} renders ClO\textsuperscript{-1})
