Cannot type switch on non-interface value

There are two kinds of type conversions

  1. conversion between basic data types. For this we can use the direct casting

    i := 48

    str := string(i)

  2. But type conversion using value.(type) is for conversion among the class hierarchy, (e.g. where we want to get the specific implementation from the interface). Else, we get the above error.

I figured out the answer, which is to cast n to interface{} before the type assertion:

switch v := interface{}(n).(type)

Type switches require an interface to introspect. If you are passing a value of known type to it it bombs out. If you make a function that accepts an interface as a parameter, it will work:

func typeSwitch(tst interface{}) {
    switch v := tst.(type) {
        case Stringer:
           fmt.Println("Stringer:", v)

See the full code here and the golang documentation on interfaces