Cannot seem to setEnabled:NO on NSMenuItem

Had the same issue, so I thought I'd post my solution. NSMenu auto enables NSMenuButtons, so we have to override that.

In IB:

You should uncheck "Auto Enables Items"

Or programmatically:

// Disable auto enable
[myMenu setAutoenablesItems:NO];

// Test it
[myMenuButton setEnabled:NO];
[myMenuButton setEnabled:YES];

I solved it with the help of a colleague, so I post it here for others that experience the same issue.

You should set your NSMenu-sublass to auto-enable items (default behaviour) and then implement this method in the NSMenu-sublass.

- (BOOL)validateMenuItem:(NSMenuItem *)menuItem {
    return [menuItem isEnabled];

enter image description here

You should uncheck Auto Enables Items on the closest parent NSMenu