Cannot resolve maketext() method of Toast

Have you imported the toast widget?

import android.widget.Toast;

You can also call show() in the same line if you want to output it straight away:

Toast toast = Toast.makeText(context, text, duration).show();

Hope that helps.

The makeText's signature is the following

public static Toast makeText (Context context, CharSequence text, int duration)

the first paramter has to be a context object. You put this, but this refers to this object and it can be something different from an Activity (a Fragment for instance).

In the onClick(View view) click listener within a RecyclerView.ViewHolder the context is retrieved with view.getContext(), as in:


public class MyHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder implements 
View.OnClickListener {

    public MyHolder(View itemView) {

    public void onClick(View view) {
        Toast.makeText(view.getContext(), "the message", 


this in your case might not be the object of the activity. You might be using the Toast.makeText method inside you Click Listener object. To resolve this you need to use getApplicationContext() :

Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext() , "Your Message", Toast.LENGTH_LONG);

