Cannot read property 'addEventListener' of null

script is loading before body, keep script after body

It seems that document.getElementById('overlayBtn'); is returning null because it executes before the DOM fully loads.

If you put this line of code under

  -- put your code here

then it will run without issue.


    var mb = document.getElementById("b");
    mb.addEventListener("click", handler);
    mb.addEventListener("click", handler2);

function handler() {
    $("p").html("<br>" + $("p").text() + "<br>You clicked me-1!<br>");

function handler2() {
    $("p").html("<br>" + $("p").text() + "<br>You clicked me-2!<br>");

I faced a similar situation. This is probably because the script is executed before the page loads. By placing the script at the bottom of the page, I circumvented the problem.

I think the easiest approach would be to just check that el is not null before adding an event listener:

var el = document.getElementById('overlayBtn');
  el.addEventListener('click', swapper, false);