Cannot pass parameter 2 by reference - uuid PDO

The second argument to bindParam is passed by reference and should be a variable. You are directly passing the values which is not allowed.

Place UUID() directly in the query because if it is bound as a parameter, it would be placed in the query as a quoted string and will not be evaluated to a UUID value.

You can place the 1 directly in the query too. Or assign 1 to a variable and give that variable as the second argument while binding the parameter :type_id.

$type_id = 1;
$stmt->bindParam(':type_id', $type_id, PDO::PARAM_INT);

There's no need to bind it in this case, simply include it in your query:

$query = "INSERT INTO users (users_uuid, type_id) VALUES (UUID(), :type_id)";

..then bind :type_id as you already are.



