Cannot find version of 'androidx.arch', '', etc

The solution that worked for me was to use a dependency resolution strategy:

So for each item that has been highlighted that the project requires, I have added to my dependency resolution:

                resolutionStrategy.eachDependency { details ->
                    if ( == ''
                            && !'room-runtime')) {
                        details.useVersion "2.1.0-alpha04"
                    if ( == ''
                            && !'room-testing')) {
                        details.useVersion "2.1.0-alpha04"
                    if ( == ''
                            && !'room-rxjava2')) {
                        details.useVersion "2.1.0-alpha04"
                    if ( == ''
                            && !'room-common')) {
                        details.useVersion "2.1.0-alpha04"
                    if ( == ''
                            && !'room-migration')) {
                        details.useVersion "2.1.0-alpha04"
                    if ( == ''
                            && !'room-compiler')) {
                        details.useVersion "2.1.0-alpha04"

Here I have stated that they should use version 2.1.0-alpha04 as it seems that version 2.1.0-alpha06 has issues from firsthand experiences as well as stated in another post: Room persistence library (dependency issue), MVVM design pattern and Note: Failed to read get kotlin metadata for ...etc, and type converter