Cannot connect to VM in Eclipse

I just found this: Avast! 2014 I have it, and so it fits. If you do as well, then that is probably your problem.

After much stress and a lot of time, the problem is now resolved. Albeit in a very freaky way which does not amuse me as I can't figure out the rationale behind it. Anyways, here is what happened and maybe someone can throw some more light on what could have been the root cause of the problem.

I uninstalled Eclipse and Java completely from my system.

I then re-installed the latest version of Java (I had this same version previously too).

But this time I installed it in the standard directory and not the custom directory that I was using before (Probably something here was wrong the first time).

I then re-installed Eclipse (latest version again).

And just like that, it all started working normally again, Debug mode and everything!

What immediately comes to my mind is that the system environment variables could have got changed somehow. But I don't understand how this could have happened without me touching anything.

I think the problem is because you have set the wrong path to jre .try right click on your project and click run configuration and set jre correct path. Could you please elaborate more about the issue.

I am using Mac and I ran into similar issue. I made the changes to /etc/hosts file earlier, which I have reverted now to make it as below :-       localhost

And restarted the system and fixed my issue.