Can you combine named parameter with short-hand constructor parameter?

You can use the "this." syntax with all argument types. As answered above, you need ':' for default values for named parameters.

You can even use "this." for function typed parameters:

class C {
  Function bar;
  C({int x) : foo});

  static foo(int x) => x + 1;


Yes, the = is allowed in Dart 2 and is now preferred over the : to match optional positional parameters.

Person({ = "defaultName", this.age = "defaultAge"});

Old Answer

You just have to use a colon instead of equals

class Person {
   String name;
   String age;

   Person({ "defaultName", this.age: "defaultAge"});

I find this still confusing that optional parameters use = to assign defaults but named use :. Should ask myself.