Can WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent() return null?

According to the disassembly, null could be returned.

See: GetCurrentInternal(TokenAccessLevels desiredAccess, bool threadOnly)

Disclaimer: I am too lazy to dissect the specific condition :)

ReSharper should handle this.

In directory <ReSharper install dir>\v7.1\Bin\ExternalAnnotations\.NETFramework\mscorlib, the external annotations file Nullness.Manual.xml defines the following annotations:

<!-- RSRP-328266 -->
<member name="M:System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent">
  <attribute ctor="M:JetBrains.Annotations.NotNullAttribute.#ctor" />
<member name="M:System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent(System.Boolean)">
  <attribute ctor="M:JetBrains.Annotations.ContractAnnotationAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">
<member name="M:System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent(System.Security.Principal.TokenAccessLevels)">
  <attribute ctor="M:JetBrains.Annotations.NotNullAttribute.#ctor" />

However, I am also getting the warning about a possible NullReferenceException on WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent(). For some reason, ReSharper isn't recognizing its own external annotation attributes. If this is a known bug, or if there is a fix for this problem, please reply.

Using ILSpy, you can look at a decompiled version of GetCurrent and GetCurrentInternal, which GetCurrent calls.


public static WindowsIdentity GetCurrent()
    return WindowsIdentity.GetCurrentInternal(TokenAccessLevels.MaximumAllowed, false);


internal static WindowsIdentity GetCurrentInternal(TokenAccessLevels desiredAccess, bool threadOnly)
    int errorCode = 0;
    bool flag;
    SafeTokenHandle currentToken = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrentToken(desiredAccess, threadOnly, out flag, out errorCode);
    if (currentToken != null && !currentToken.IsInvalid)
        WindowsIdentity windowsIdentity = new WindowsIdentity();
        windowsIdentity.m_safeTokenHandle = currentToken;
        return windowsIdentity;
    if (threadOnly && !flag)
        return null;
    throw new SecurityException(Win32Native.GetMessage(errorCode));

Since threadOnly is always false when calling from GetCurrent, and the currentToken must be valid for the other return statement, I don't think you're at risk of getting a null WindowsIdentity.

It sounds like a false report from ReSharper.

The MSDN page for GetCurrent makes no mention of returning null in any circumstances.

As you point out, there has to be a current user (of one kind or another), so this should always return a valid object - if you have permissions.

It can raise a SecurityException, but that's a different error and your code would fail anyway. If this is a possibility, then you might want to rearrange your code:

WindowsIdentity currentIdentity = null;
    currentIdentity = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent();
    // Carry on if there's nothing you can do
    WindowsIdentity newIdentity = new WindowsIdentity(currentIdentity.Token);
catch (SecurityException ex)
    // Do something, logging, display error etc.