Can we use Morris traversal for postorder?

A simpler approach would be to do the symmetrically opposite of preorder morris traversal and print the nodes in the reverse order.

    TreeNode* node = root;
    stack<int> s;
    while(node) {
        if(!node->right) {
            node = node->left;
        else {
            TreeNode* prev = node->right;

            while(prev->left && prev->left != node)
                prev = prev->left;

            if(!prev->left) {
                prev->left = node;
                node = node->right;
            else {  
                node = node->left;
                prev->left = NULL;

    while(!s.empty()) {
        cout << << " ";

    cout << endl;

It seems simple once you understand the concept behind it.

Basically, we are using the In-order Traversal (L-N-R) to print the post-order traversal (L-R-N) of the given Binary Tree. All we need to do is reverse the second and third part of the inorder traversal i.e. print it in the fashion L-R-N.

When a node is visited again with the help of the thread that we created earlier during the thread creation phase, It means that we are done traversing the left subtree. Hence we need to print all the left subtree nodes. So, we print the left sub nodes of the current node and left subtree nodes of the right child.

After this step, we've printed all the left nodes, now all we need to do is print the reverse order of the right pointer. If we consider it as a simple singly linked list where the next pointer is the right child of every node in the right subtree.

Print the list in the reverse order till the current node. Go to the In-order successor node which you saved and follow the same.

I hope It makes things a bit clearer for you.

PS: Linked list reversal is used to reverse the second and third part of the inorder traversal.

I'll try to explain, how we can achieve post-order traversal using Morris method. Pre-requirement : Before explaining, post-order traversal, lets revise in-order traversal.

In In-order traversal, start from root node 1. if current node has left child then find its in-order predecessor and make root as right child of it and move left of root. [ to find predecessor, find the max element in its left subtree ] 2. if current node don't have left child , then print data and move right.

Restore Tree: The main thing which should be observe is that while performing step 1, we'll reach a point where predecessor right child is itself current node, this only happen when whole left child turned off and we start printing data from there. [ when you found no left child of current node] So for this case, we need to cut right child off of that node.

void MorriesInorder(BTnode root) {
if(root == null ) return; 
BTnode temp;
while ( root!=null){
   //case 2: when left child does not exist
      if ( root.left == null ) { 
               print( );
               root = root.right;
    }else {
            //find predecessor 
             temp = root.left; 
             while ( temp.right!=null && 
                      temp.right!=root) //  to check restore case
                   temp = temp.right;

             if ( temp.right == null ) //predecessor found, converting
                      temp.right = root; 
                      root = root.left; 
            } else {
                  temp.right = null; //  cut right child off
                  root = root.right; 


So now back to Original Question, How do we perform Postorder traversal. We'll use above concept with minor changes to achieve postorder traversal. First lets have a dummy node and make whole tree as left child of dummy node and make right child empty. [ why? Bec if we assume there is no right child of root then prinitng left child and then root become postorder traversal, Right ;) ] Now what next? Are we finished, No... only performing inorder on new tree does not make any sense, it still printing inorder traversal of original tree followed by dummy node.

First remove printing data from case 2 [ discussed in inorder traversal]

Critical Part: Now closely observe inner else block, this the piece of code which require attention. Since this temporarily extended tree is the subject of traversal as in in-order traversal except that in the inner else clause, after finding a temporary parent, nodes between p.left (included) and p (excluded) extended to the right in a modified tree are processed in the reverse order. To process them in constant time, the chain of nodes is scanned down and right references are reversed to refer to parents of nodes. Then the same chain is scanned upward, each node is visited, and the right references are restored to their original setting.

//This is Post Order :children before node( L ,R , N)
void morrisPostorderTraversal(Node *root){

// Making our tree left subtree of a dummy Node
Node *dummyRoot = new Node(0);
dummyRoot->left = root;

//Think of P as the current node 
Node *p = dummyRoot, *pred, *first, *middle, *last;

    if(p->left == NULL){
        p = p->right;
    } else{
        /* p has a left child => it also has a predeccessor
           make p as right child predeccessor of p    
        pred = p->left;
        while(pred->right!=NULL && pred->right != p){
            pred = pred->right;

        if(pred->right == NULL){ 

            // predeccessor found for first time
            // modify the tree

            pred->right = p;    
            p = p->left;

        }else {                          

           // predeccessor found second time
           // reverse the right references in chain from pred to p
            first = p;
            middle = p->left;              
                last = middle->right;
                middle->right = first;
                first = middle;
                middle = last;

            // visit the nodes from pred to p
            // again reverse the right references from pred to p    
            first = p;
            middle = pred;

                cout<<" "<<middle->data;  
                last = middle->right;          
                middle->right = first;
                first = middle;
                middle = last;

            // remove the pred to node reference to restore the tree structure
            pred->right = NULL;    
            p = p-> right;