Can Visual Studio Code use Emmet completion in razor .cshtml files

According to this link, the corresponding language for *.cshtml files is razor, thus you need to specify it in the emmet mappings as follows:

"emmet.includeLanguages": { "razor": "html" }

updated: Press Ctrl+K than M (Ctrl+K,M) than select highlighter from the dropdownlist you want this is a common shortcut. very useful. even works for any file types. ie. create a new file and code some xml or what language you want than Ctrl+K,M you can specify/override ide hilighter on the fly. very useful shortcut. try it. you won't forget Ctrl+K,M. one of most useful hotkey combination I ever use in vscode. by this way code-completion wakes up and works as language you selected.

in vscode > settings.json
I added the related codes mentionel above. emmet worked for cshtml files.

 "emmet.includeLanguages": {