Can't run 'expo start' on a expo-react-native app, permission problem

I found the problem!

The main reason was because, in some moment, i used sudo to install something related to expo, then expo created some files that belongs to the root user in another directory that was not on the project folder that i am working.

So it was because the initial files by expo on the very initial install of expo was installed using sudo apparently, because the files inside this directory: home/itspauloroberto/.expo and also the folder was owned by root (i checked it using la -ls command and saw root as the owner.) instead of my user itspauloroberto that was the main source of the error.

To get rid of this error, do the following steps:

  • navigate to the home/your_user/ directory.
  • delete the .expo folder using sudo rm -rf .expo (sudo needed because the folder owner is root)
  • run again expo using expo start

If you find any additional errors related to some directory or file, navigate to the file/directory that is on the error message and delete it. Because it should belong to root user also.