Can't include a file in NASM

It seems that NASM include the files from the current directory :

Include files are searched for in the current directory (the directory you're in when you run NASM, as opposed to the location of the NASM executable or the location of the source file), plus any directories specified on the NASM command line using the -i option.

If you are executing NASM from another directory that D:\ASMT in your case, it is normal that it doesn't work.

Source :

NASM provides the functionality for you to include other source files into your code. The method for achieving this is to use the %include directive, like so:

%include "input.asm"

The one caveat is that, NASM assumes all files are within the current working directory, e.g. the directory from which NASM is being run. If a file is passed to the %include directive, and the file cannot be located within the current working directory, NASM will return the following error:

fatal: unable to open include file

One solution, as already given in the accepted answer, is to specify any additionally referenced directories on the NASM command line, using the -i option. As an example, let us assume that an 'include' file, called 'print_string', is located within the directory 'procedure_library', and that this directory is not the NASM 'launch' directory. In this instance, we simply tell NASM where it can look for additional source files, like so:

nasm -i/home/user/asmwork/procedure_library/ -f elf64 -g -F dwarf sourecode.asm

*(a space between -i and the path name is allowed, and optional).

This is the preferred way for maintaining projects. However, this is rather a long command, as far as keystrokes are concerned. Although, the use of a Makefile would resolve this.

n.b. NASM does not understand the file naming conventions of the OS it is running on; the string you provide as an argument to the -i option will be parsed exactly as written. Therefore the trailing forward slash in the above example is necessary. Under Windows, a trailing backslash would be equally necessary.

Note also, the working directory, the directory from which you invoke NASM, will still need to contain your ‘main’ source code file, i.e. the command itself requires an input file as an argument. For instance, the above invocation, would still require ‘sourcecode.asm’ within the working directory, regardless of the additional -i option argument. If ‘sourcecode.asm’ was to reside in the optional directory ‘procedure_library’, NASM would return fatal: unable to open input file. The i option can be thought of as an %include file search argument.

Hard-Coding the File Path:

As an alternative to the given method, you can simply hard-code the file path, directly in the source file. Simply pass the relative, or absolute, path of the file to the %include directive. For example:

%include “/home/user/asmwork/procedure_library/input.asm”

Or, assuming your current working directory, from where you invoke NASM, is /home/user/asmwork/:

%include “/procedure_library/input.asm"

External Libraries:

Yet another option, and perhaps a better choice, for managing code complexity, would be to assemble the procedure library, externally, as its own object file, and link the two files when creating your final executable program. The latter, may also, make your procedures reusable across different programs.

Remember, you will need to provide the relative/absolute path, in your linker script, if the file to be linked is not within the working directory. Depending on the program you are using, you may or may not need to pass an additional argument during invocation. GNU linker, for instance, does not require any additional optional arguments, it simply asks that you pass a workable file path:

executable: sourcecode.o ld -o executable sourcecode.o /home/case/asmwork/procedure_library/input.o

Directive Location:

Although in this case it is absolutely fine to include the directive anywhere in your source code, it is generally good practice to use the %include directive near the top of your source code. Consider for instance if you were to include a macro file, well, in this instance NASM would hand you an error, along the lines of error: parser: instruction expected, as all macros must be fully defined before they are invoked.


