Can't get table border lines to meet in the corners

enter image description here



\begin{tabular} { | r | p{2cm} | p{2cm} | }
\# & One & Two \\
1 & alpha & bravo \\
2 & apple & banana \\


Edit 3

If you are a perfectionist, please consider the following defects at the intersection of horizontal and vertical lines.

enter image description here

Maybe you hate them even though they are small enough to be visible at a glance.

Edit 3.1

Based on Ulrike's comment below, we need to use array package to remove such a bad feature.



\begin{tabular} {|r|p{2cm}|p{2cm}|}
\# & One & Two \\
1 & alpha & bravo \\
2 & apple & banana \\


enter image description here

