Can Spring MVC handle multivalue query parameter?

I had an issue with indexed querystring like

and only handling with
MultiValueMap<String, String>
worked for me. Neither List or String[] were handling it properly.

I also tried

but RequestParamMethodArgumentResolver is looking explicitly for phones[] ignoring indexes. So that is why I decided to let RequestParamMapMethodArgumentResolver handle it.

Spring can convert the query param directly into a List or even a Set

for example:

 @RequestParam(value = "phone", required = false) List<String> phones


 @RequestParam(value = "phone", required = false) Set<String> phones

"Arrays" in @RequestParam are used for binding several parameters of the same name:



public String method(@RequestParam(value="phone") String[] phoneArray){

You can then convert it into a list using Arrays.asList(..) method


As suggested by emdadul, latest version of spring can do like below as well:

public String method(@RequestParam(value="phone", required=false) List<String> phones){


Spring Mvc