Can someone explain an ENOBUFS error?

Thanks @Jonasw for your help, but there is a very simple solution to this problem. I used the small library throttled-queue to get the job done. (If you look at the source code it would be pretty easy to implement your own queue based on this package.

My code changed to:

const throttledQueue = require('throttled-queue')

let throttle = throttledQueue(15, 1000) // 15 times per second

for (let j = 0; j < dataQueries; j++) {\
     // do parsing


function getData(callback){
 axios.get(url, config)
   .then((res) => {
      // parse res 
   }).catch(function(err) {
      console.log("Spooky problem alert! : " + err);

In my case this got resolved by deleting the autogenerated zip files from my workspace, which got created every time I did cdk deploy. Turns out that my typescript compiler treated these files as source files and counted them into the tarball.