Can ReSharper generate code that copies properties from one object to another?

It's really easy. ReSharper doesn't do it, but you can use a super duper REGEX!

In Visual Studio:

    public string Email { get; set; }
    public string CellPhone { get; set; }
    public int NumChildren { get; set; }
    public DateTime BirthDate { get; set; }
  1. Select all your properties. Hit CTRL-D to copy down.

  2. Now hit CTRL-H to replace. Make sure .* is selected for Regex matching.

  3. Replace: public [\w?]* (\w*) .* (This Regex may need to be tweaked)

  4. With: dest.$1 = source.$1;

Now you have some beautiful code you can put in a method of your choosing:

    dest.Email = source.Email;
    dest.CellPhone = source.CellPhone;
    dest.NumChildren = source.NumChildren;
    dest.BirthDate = source.BirthDate;

EDIT: New alternatives

  1. You can use AutoMapper for dynamic runtime mapping.
  2. Mapping Generator is really nice for static mapping. It can generate the code above and it works well with R#.

This is somewhat derivative from answer by @Jess (his regex didn't work for me on VS2013) but instead of using Visual Studio I am using regex101

Click link above and just paste your properties into Test string field and you will get them mapped.

Regex I used

public [A-Za-z\?]* ([A-Za-z0-9]*) .*

and replace

Dest.$1 = Source.$1

hope this saves you some time.

I don't believe Resharper can do this, but Open Source AutoMapper can. New to AutoMapper? Check out the Getting Started page.

I agree with @Ben Griswold.
In most situations, Automapper is the way to go.

But when you truly want to generate code that copies properties from one object to another, try this:

  1. Create a brand new class and derive from the class from which you want to copy properties.
  2. Right-click on this new derived class and click 'Refactor > Extract Interface'.
  3. Check all properties that you wish to copy.
  4. Choose 'Place beside' because this interface will be only temporary.
  5. Click 'Next'.
  6. Modify your derived class so that you are no longer inheriting from the base class and you are only implementing your new interface. Expect to see a red squiggle.
  7. Place your cursor over the red squiggle and hit 'ALT-ENTER' to 'Implement Members'.
  8. Click 'Finish'.
  9. Delete that temporary interface and modify your class so that you are no longer implementing it.