Can not submit form react-bootstrap

I've been successful with reactstrap using the following snippet:

<Button onClick={this.onSubmit}>Login</Button> 

There is one thing missing, I think.

In gotEmail, there should be a preventDefault, so if the user press 'enter', the page won't reload:

  // code you want to do

FormGroup does not provide on submit event. You can wrap it with form element and attach event handler to it:

<form onSubmit={this.gotEmail}>
  <FormGroup role="form">
    <FormControl type="text" className="form-control"/>
    <Button className="btn btn-primary btn-large centerButton" type="submit">Send</Button>

As of version 0.30.2, you can wrap it in a <Form>, which supports the onSubmit property:

<Form onSubmit={this.gotEmail}>
  <FormGroup role="form">
  <FormControl type="text" className="form-control"/>
  <Button className="btn btn-primary btn-large centerButton" 