Can mysql restore a single table from a large mysqldump?

I have found two solutions, one using

grep -n "Table Structure" mydump.sql
# identify the first and last line numbers (n1 and n2) of desired table
sed -n n1,n2p mydump.sql > mytable.sql # (e.g. sed -n 48,112p)

and one using awk

awk '/Table Structure for table .table1./, /Table structure for table .cultivars./{print}' mydump.sql > mytable.sql

This approach does not get around the issue of having to import a large mysqldumpfile, but from within Mysql you can do the following:

  1. restore entire dump

     mysql fakedb < mydump.sql
  2. delete contents of current table

     delete from production.target_table;
  3. insert from backup table

    insert into production.target_table select * from fakedb.targettable;

I have created both linux and windows scripts to restore the specific tables from the dump file:

linux (bash script):


# Where to restore


# Associative table list array as source_table=>destination_table pairs
declare -A tbl_list=( ["tbl1"]="restored_tbl1" ["tbl2"]="restored_tbl2")

for tbl in "${!tbl_list[@]}"
    echo "Restore $tbl to ${tbl_list[$tbl]}"
    # extract the content between drop table and Table structure for, also replace the table name
    sed -n -e '/DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `'$tbl'`/,/\/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `'$tbl'` ENABLE KEYS \*\/;/p' $dump_file > tbl.sql
    sed -i 's/`'$tbl'`/`'${tbl_list[$tbl]}'`/g' tbl.sql
    mysql -h $db_host -u $db_user -p"$db_pass" $db_name < tbl.sql
    rm -f tbl.sql

windows script (bat):

%= Define the database and root authorization details =% 
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion

set db_host=
set db_name=adhoctuts
set db_user=adhoctuts
set db_pass=Adhoctuts2018#

set dump_file=dump_ignore.sql

set tbl_cnt=2
set source_table[1]=tbl1
set destination_table[1]=restored_tbl1
set source_table[2]=tbl2
set destination_table[2]=restored_tbl2

set i=1
    set src=!source_table[%i%]!
    set dest=!destination_table[%i%]!
    for /f "tokens=1 delims=[]" %%a in ('find /n "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `%src%`"^<"%dump_file%"') do set /a start=%%a
    for /f "tokens=1 delims=[]" %%a in ('find /n "ALTER TABLE `%src%` ENABLE KEYS"^<"%dump_file%"') do set /a end=%%a
    for /f "tokens=1* delims=[]" %%a in ('find /n /v ""^<"%dump_file%"') do (

    set "line=%%b "
     IF %%a geq %start% IF %%a leq %end% ECHO( !line:%src%=%dest%!

    mysql -h %db_host% -u %db_user% -p"%db_pass%" %db_name% < "tbl.sql"
    del /f "tbl.sql"
    if %i% equ %tbl_cnt% goto :eof
    set /a i=%i%+1
goto loop

here you define the tables you need to restore and under what name to restore. This the more general solution.

I have also created separate tutorial for MySQL selective/exceptional tasks. You may check if needed: