Can I rebase a Git branch without modifying my working copy?

Is there a way to do all of the above in one step, without ever modifying anything in the working copy?

This is unfortunately impossible (without creating a modifiable copy of the working copy - see also Petr's answer), because git performs all merge-y operations (real merges, cherry-picks, rebases, patch application) on the work tree. This is mentioned several times before, for example in one of the knowledgeable Jakub Narębski's answers:

There is no way that merge (or rebase) can work without touching the working directory (and index), as there can be merge conflicts that have to be resolved using working directory (and/or index).

Yes, it's a design decision, but it's a pretty understandable one - it'd be a bit of a chore to build up all the structure necessary to attempt a merge in memory, then as soon as it hits a conflict, dump everything into the work tree, when instead you could simply do it in the work tree in the first place. (I'm not a git developer; don't take this as absolute complete truth. There could be other reasons.)

My suggestion, rather than writing a script to do all that mtime manipulation, would be simply to clone the repository, perform the rebase in the clone, then push it back into your original repository:

git clone project project-for-rebase
cd project-for-rebase
git branch experimental origin/experimental
git rebase master experimental
git push origin experimental

That of course assumes that experimental isn't checked out in your original repo. If it is, instead of the push, you'd do something like git fetch ../project-for-rebase experimental; git reset --hard FETCH_HEAD or more readable, git remote add for-rebase ../project-for-rebase; git fetch for-rebase; git reset --hard for-rebase/experimental. That will naturally touch whatever files differ between the original and rebased experimental branches, but that's definitely correct behavior. (This wasn't the example you gave, of course, but I want these instructions to be general!)

Since git 2.5, an even better solution is to use a second worktree.

A git repository can support multiple working trees, allowing you to check out more than one branch at a time.

$ git worktree add ../second-copy experimental
$ cd ../second-copy/
$ git rebase master experimental

And that's it. Afterwards, you can rm -rf second-copy if you want, or keep it for more rebases in the future.

$ git rebase master experimental


