Can I make a constant from a compile-time env variable in csharp?

Okay here's what I wound up doing. It's not very elegant, but it works. I created a pre-build step that looks like this:

echo namespace Some.Namespace > "$(ProjectDir)\CiInfo.cs"
echo { >> "$(ProjectDir)\CiInfo.cs"
echo     ///^<summary^>Info about the continuous integration server build that produced this binary.^</summary^> >> "$(ProjectDir)\CiInfo.cs"
echo     public static class CiInfo >> "$(ProjectDir)\CiInfo.cs"
echo     { >> "$(ProjectDir)\CiInfo.cs"
echo         ///^<summary^>The current build number, such as "153"^</summary^> >> "$(ProjectDir)\CiInfo.cs"
echo         public const string BuildNumber = ("%BUILD_NUMBER%" == "" ? @"Unknown" : "%BUILD_NUMBER%"); >> "$(ProjectDir)\CiInfo.cs"
echo         ///^<summary^>String of the build number and build date/time, and other useful info.^</summary^> >> "$(ProjectDir)\CiInfo.cs"
echo         public const string BuildTag = ("%BUILD_TAG%" == "" ? @"nohudson" : "%BUILD_TAG%") + " built: %DATE%-%TIME%"; >> "$(ProjectDir)\CiInfo.cs"
echo     } >> "$(ProjectDir)\CiInfo.cs"
echo } >> "$(ProjectDir)\CiInfo.cs"

Then I added "CiInfo.cs" to the project, but ignored it from version control. That way I never have to edit it or commit it, and the project always has a constant available that is the latest build number and time.

One way to do it is to add a build-step before compilation which does a regex replace in the appropriate source file(s) for %BUILD_NUMBER%.

One possibility is to use T4 to generate your configuration class with all the constants instantiated. T4 is well-integrated into MSVS, no need for your own custom build step.