Can I insert an image into an equation?

It won't scale nicely with font size, but a simple approach is straightforward. The image should have a tight bounding box, which you can achieve with tools like pdfcrop.


\mathord is suitable for ordinary symbols, since you indicated that it would be used similarly as \alpha.

With the suggestions from the comments, I wrote a better solution.


The symbol scales like a capital X for subscript and subsubscripts.

Mikael and Leo both gave good answers so I won't repeat that information.

If you need the image centered with respect to binary operators, fractions, and the like, then you can use \vcenter{...} to perform that vertical centering.

Yes, you can. There is nearly no difference between a image and a symbol. Just define a command for convenience. You can also use PSTricks or TikZ to draw such a symbol.

However, you may need to redefine the depth of the box, and refine the spacing using \mathbin etc.

A full example (suppose a logo.pdf exists):

\def\logo{{% mathord