Apple - Can I hide the toolbar in Safari while in Full Screen mode?

In Safari 10.0.1 on macOS Sierra it is quite simple - you have to uncheck View > Always Show Toolbar in Full Screen to hide the toolbar.

**View** > **Always Show Toolbar in Full Screen**

Enter full screen mode, right-click anywhere around the address bar then click "Hide Toolbar" in the menu that appears.

enter image description here

Although next time you enter full screen mode the toolbar comes back.

Open console (⌥⌘C or Develop > Show Error Console), paste this code:

(function() {
  var el = document.createElement('div'),
      docEl = document.documentElement;

  el.innerText = 'Go to fullscreen view';
  el.setAttribute('style', 'position: fixed; top: 10%; left: 10%; padding: 30%; background: #000; color: #fff; opacity: .7; cursor: pointer;')

  el.onclick = function() {
    if (docEl.requestFullscreen) {
    } else if (docEl.mozRequestFullScreen) {
    } else if (docEl.webkitRequestFullscreen) {

and click the black box.

You need to activate Developer-Tools for this solution. To enable Developer-Tools, go to Advanced, click "Show Develop menu in menu bar" at the bottom of the window.