Can I group by in SQL query with window function?

If you run your second query without the group by - which you may have already tried, from the extra semicolon in what you posted - you'll see that you get one row for every employee, each showing the minimum salary in their department. That minimum is the analytic min() because it has a window clause. The PARTITION BY is the equivalent of a GROUP BY, but without the aggregation over the whole result set.

The simplest way to get the same result (almost) is to use the RANK() analytic function instead, which ranks the values based on the partition and order you supply, while allowing for ties:

SELECT employee_id, last_name, salary, department_id,
  RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY department_id ORDER BY salary) AS rnk
FROM employees
ORDER BY department_id, rnk;

----------- ------------------------- ---------- ------------- ----------
        200 Whalen                          4400            10          1
        202 Fay                             6000            20          1
        201 Hartstein                      13000            20          2
        119 Colmenares                      2500            30          1
        118 Himuro                          2600            30          2
        117 Tobias                          2800            30          3
        116 Baida                           2900            30          4
        115 Khoo                            3100            30          5
        114 Raphaely                       11000            30          6
        102 De Haan                        17000            90          1
        101 Kochhar                        17000            90          1
        100 King                           24000            90          3

For departments 20 and 30 you can see the row ranked 1 is the lowest salary. For department 90 there are two employees ranked 1, because they have the same lowest salary.

You can use that as an inline view and select just those rows ranked number 1:

SELECT employee_id, last_name, salary, department_id
  SELECT employee_id, last_name, salary, department_id,
    RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY department_id ORDER BY salary) AS rnk
  FROM employees
WHERE rnk = 1
ORDER BY department_id;

----------- ------------------------- ---------- -------------
        200 Whalen                          4400            10
        202 Fay                             6000            20
        119 Colmenares                      2500            30
        203 Mavris                          6500            40
        132 Olson                           2100            50
        107 Lorentz                         4200            60
        204 Baer                           10000            70
        173 Kumar                           6100            80
        101 Kochhar                        17000            90
        102 De Haan                        17000            90
        113 Popp                            6900           100
        206 Gietz                           8300           110
        178 Grant                           7000              

13 rows selected. 

If you didn't have to worry about ties there is an even simpler alternative, but it ins't appropriate here.

Notice that this gives you one more row than your original query. You are joining on sml.department_id = emp.department_id. If the department ID is null, as it is for employee 178, that join fails because you can't compare null to null with equality tests. Because this solution doesn't have a join, that doesn't apply, and you see that employee in the results.

First thing to remember is that windowed functions (like OVER() clause) work on the result of the query. That is: Server first executes the query and only then applies the windowed function as defined by you (of course, it's an oversimplification of what actually happens, but good enough to illustrate my point).

This means that you can actually use windowed function and group by clause in the same query, but you need to encapsulate group by aggregate with windowed function aggregate, like this:

SELECT department_id,
       min(min(salary)) OVER (partition by department_id) as minsalary
FROM employees
GROUP BY department_id;

However, I agree that this is not a good place to use windowed function. Matt's proposition - which I upvoted, full disclosure - is best here (ROW_NUMBER() in CTE or subquery, then selecting only the desired rows in main SELECT).