Can I get a \widebar without using the mathabx package?

Here's a new implementation of \widebar, based on \overline. It works by hacking into amsmath's accent placement, so it needs that package. Here's a comparison of \widebar (first line) and \overline (second line):

widebar and overline

I think the placement of the bars in the first line is better, except for the \sin z, where there's no difference. Note that \widebar works well together with superscripts, but not necessarily with subscripts. (\overline has the same issue.) It also works well over combined symbols like AB in most cases.

  \ifdim\ht0=\ht2 #3\else #2\fi
%The bar will be moved to the right by a half of \macc@kerna, which is computed by amsmath:
%If there's a superscript following the bar, then no negative kern may follow the bar;
%an additional {} makes sure that the superscript is high enough in this case:
%Use a separate algorithm for single symbols:
%Enable nesting of accents:
%If there's more than a single symbol, use the first character instead (see below):
    \if#32 \let\macc@nucleus\first@char \fi
%Determine the italic correction:
%Now \dimen@ is the italic correction of the symbol.
    \divide\dimen@ 3
%Now \@tempdima is the width of the symbol.
    \divide\@tempdima 10
%Now \dimen@ = (italic correction / 3) - (Breite / 10)
    \ifdim\dimen@>\z@ \dimen@0pt\fi
%The bar will be shortened in the case \dimen@<0 !
      \advance\[email protected]\dimexpr\macc@kerna
%Place the combined final kern (-\dimen@) if it is >0 or if a superscript follows:
      \ifdim\dimen@<\z@ \let\final@kern1\fi
      \if\final@kern1 \kern-\dimen@\fi
  \let\math@bgroup\@empty \let\math@egroup\macc@set@skewchar
  \mathsurround\z@ \frozen@everymath{\mathgroup\macc@group\relax}%
%The following initialises \macc@kerna and calls \mathaccent:
%If the argument consists of more than one symbol, and if the first token is
%a letter, use that letter for the computations:
    \ifcat\noexpand\first@char A\else
$#1{M}$ $#1{A}$ $#1{g}$ $#1{\beta}$ $#1{\mathcal A}^q$
$#1{AB}^\sigma$ $#1{H}^C$ $#1{\sin z}$ $#1{W}_n$}



Here is my previous simpler implementation; the intended use is for single symbols. It also works when applied to several symbols, but then the placement of the bar may not be appropriate (see AW at the end). Moreover, subsequent superscripts may be placed too close to the bar.

widebar and overline, old implementation

  \let\math@bgroup\@empty \let\math@egroup\macc@set@skewchar
  \mathsurround\z@ \frozen@everymath{\mathgroup\macc@group\relax}%
$\widebar{M}$ $\widebar{A}$ $\widebar{\mathcal A}$ $\widebar{g}$ $\widebar{\beta}$
$\widebar{AB}$ $\widebar{AW}$

$\overline{M}$ $\overline{A}$ $\overline{\mathcal A}$ $\overline{g}$ $\overline{\beta}$
$\overline{AB}$ $\overline{AW}$

1) You can use only \widebar through:

% from mathabx.sty and mathabx.dcl
      <5> <6> <7> <8> <9> <10>
      <10.95> <12> <14.4> <17.28> <20.74> <24.88>

or simpler (with example):

\DeclareFontShape{U}{mathx}{m}{n}{<-> mathx10}{}
$\widebar M = \widebar{abcd}$

2) I don't think it matters much, \bar h is also higher than \bar a. Just remember not to use \bar M and \widebar M together.

3) Maybe bad hinting. I've no idea.

I show my solution for this problem for plain TeX, where amsmath.sty isn't loaded, because the first line of this macro file says: \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}. I leaved the \skewchar calculation because this is more suitable for accents like dot. My \ẅidebar begins by left slanted border (by default) and ends at the same place as \overline. If the first token is non-letter then normal \overline is used.

But there are many exceptions for this rule declared in \widebarE macro. If you feel that you are able to do better look of \widebar, then you can simply re-define the \widecharE or add to this macro more exceptions for more characters.

\newcount\tmpnum \newdimen\tmpdim
{\lccode`\?=`\p \lccode`\!=`\t  \lowercase{\gdef\ignorept#1?!{#1}}}

   \def\tmp{0}\ifcat\noexpand\next A\def\tmp{1}\fi
   \ifdim\tmp pt=0pt \overline{#1}%
   \else {\mathpalette\widebarB{#1}}\fi
   \tmpdim=\tmp\ht0 \advance\tmpdim by-.4pt
\def\widebarC#1#2 {\ifx#1\end \else 
\def\widebarD#1\end. {\fi\fi}
\def\widebarE{\widebarC A1.4 J1.2 L.6 O.8 T.5 U.7 V.3 W.1 Y.2 
   a.5 b.2 d1.1 h.5 i.5 k.5 l.3 m.4 n.4 o.6 p.4 r.5 t.4 v.7 w.7 x.8 y.8
   \alpha1 \beta1 \gamma.6 \delta.8 \epsilon.8 \varepsilon.8 \zeta.6 \eta.4
   \theta.8 \vartheta.8 \iota.5 \kappa.8 \lambda.5 \mu1 \nu.5 \xi.7 \pi.6
   \varpi.9 \rho1 \varrho1 \sigma.7 \varsigma.7 \tau.6 \upsilon.7 \phi1
   \varphi.6 \chi.7 \psi1 \omega.5 \cal1 \end. }

\def\test#1{$\let\.=#1 \.M, \.A, \.g, \.\beta, \.{\cal A}^q, \.{AB}^\sigma, 
  \.H^C, \.{\sin z}, \.W_{\!n}$}




First line shows the \widechar, second line is normal \overline.widechar