Can I disable Windows Event Logging for a certain service?

You can't stop logging for a specific event ID with the means of Windows, however you can change event viewer filter settings so that some items are not displayed if you want to, i.e. to create Custom View.

enter image description here

yes you can...i'm gonna use the WLAN-AutoConfig event id 4001 warning

first, double click on the error/warning in event viewer and click on the details tab and write down the guid ({9580D7DD-0379-4658-9870-D5BE7D52D6DE})

now open up regedit and go to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\WMI\Autologger\EventLog-System \ {9580d7dd-0379-4658-9870-d5be7d52d6de}]

on the right where the registry entries are, look for "Enabled" which will be set to one, change that to 0. reboot two times for the entry to take effect. this has worked for me for three errors/warnings that can be ignored

this should work for windows vista, 7 and 8 and their respective windows server counterparts. i don't know about windows 10, but you can try