Can I configure gnome to show open windows on the dock individually?

That is how the Ubuntu Dock works by design. That is also how Alt+tab works by design. Yet, you can configure your system more to your liking.

Install some officially supported gnome-shell extensions with the terminal command

sudo apt install gnome-shell-extensions

Install Tweaks to allow enabling/disabling extensions with the command

sudo apt install gnome-tweaks

Customizing the taskbar

Option 1

Open "Tweaks". On the Extensions tab, enable "Windows list". This gives you a taskbar with one button (icon and text) for each individual window. Optionally, "disable Ubuntu dock" to disable the dock.

Option 2

This is kind of an option on steroids. Install the not officially supported, though excellent extension Dash to Panel:

sudo apt install gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-panel

In Gnome Tweaks, turn Ubuntu Dock off, then turn Dash to panel on. The extension will merge the dock with the topbar into one bottom bar.

At first, the extension will work the 'modern' way, i.e., showing one icon for each application. The extension is extensively configurable, though. In Gnome Tweaks, click the gear icon next to the extension to access its options. On the "behavior" tab, turn "Ungroup applications" on, and tweak using the gear icon.

Windows on switcher individually/ungroup: Alt+tab

Option 1 Leave as is, but know you can switch individual windows of an application with Alt+Key Above tab

Option 2 Switch to the Window switcher instead. In "Settings", "Keyboard Shortcuts" tab, set the shortcut key for "Switch windows" to Alt+Tab. The officially supported "Alternatetab" extension that also does this will not anymore be available in newer versions of Ubuntu.


Gnome Shell