Can I check a type against a union type in typescript?

If you knew some specific key for an interested Type you can do it via in operator:

function move(pet: Fish | Bird) {
  if ("swim" in pet) {
    return pet.swim(); //pet is Fish
  return; //pet is Bird

As for me much easier than an additional function with stuff. That what I was looking for.


There's no runtime representation of type aliases, so there's nothing "built in" per se for doing this kind of check.

This pattern would be fairly maintainable, though:

// Future devs: Please keep these in sync
type MyType       =  Foo|Bar|Thing;
let MyTypeClasses = [Foo,Bar,Thing];

function getMyType(): MyType { 
    var item = getBase();
    if (MyTypeClasses.some(c => item instanceof c))
        return item;
        return null;

Typescript has introduced some new features that make this easier since the accepted answer was published. Here's now I would do this in 2020 as of Typescript 3.8.3:

const myTypes = ['Foo', 'Bar', 'Thing'] as const;
type MyType = typeof myType[number]; // 'Foo' | 'Bar' | 'Thing'

// Return a typed MyType if string is valid (else throw).
function getMyType(maybeMyType: string): MyType {
    const myType = myTypes.find((validType) => validType === maybeMyType);
    if (myType) {
        return myType;
    throw new Error(`String "${maybeMyType}" is not of type MyType.`);

// Use it like this:
const definitelyMyType = getMyType('Foo');

Or if you prefer the less-safe-but-arguably-more-readable custom type guard style you could do it like this:

// Define a custom type guard to validate & assert that maybeMyType is MyType.
function isMyType(maybeMyType: string): maybeMyType is MyType {
    return myTypes.includes(maybeMyType);

// Use it like this:
const maybeMyType = 'Foo';
if (isMyType(maybeMyType)) {
    const definitelyMyType: MyType = maybeMyType;

