Can I access new methods in anonymous inner class with some syntax?

Your caller knows listener as an ActionListener and therefore it doesn't know anything about that new method. I think the only way to do this (other than doing reflection gymnastics, which really would defeat the purpose of using an anonymous class, i.e. shortcut/simplicity) is to simply subclass ActionListener and not use an anonymous class.

Funny enough, this is now allowed with var construct (Java 10 or newer). Example:

var calculator = new Object() {
  BigDecimal intermediateSum = BigDecimal.ZERO;
  void calculate(Item item) {
    intermediateSum = Numbers.add(intermediateSum, item.value);
    item.sum= intermediateSum;

Here with method reference, but works with dot method call as well, of course. It works with fields as well. Enjoy new Java. :-)

I found more tricks with var and anonymous classes here:

Once the anonymous class instance has been implicitly cast into the named type it can't be cast back because there is no name for the anonymous type. You can access the additional members of the anonymous inner class through this within the class, in the expression immediate after the expression and the type can be inferred and returned through a method call.

Object obj = new Object() {
    void fn() {
    @Override public String toString() {
        return "";

new Object() {
    void fn() {

identity(new Object() {
    void fn() {
private static <T> T identity(T value) {
    return value;

A student in my class asked our professor if this could be done the other day. Here is what I wrote as a cool proof of concept that it CAN be done, although not worth it, it is actually possible and here is how:

public static void main(String[] args){

    //anonymous inner class with method defined inside which
    //does not override anything
    Object o = new Object()
        public int test = 5;
        public void sayHello()
            System.out.println("Hello World");

    //o.sayHello();//Does not work

        Method m = o.getClass().getMethod("sayHello");
        Field f = o.getClass().getField("test");
    } catch (Exception e)

By making use of Java's Method class we can invoke a method by passing in the string value and parameters of the method. Same thing can be done with fields.

Just thought it would be cool to share this!