Can anyone please help me to understand what does "well-defined" mean in the definition of Set?

"Well-defined" means that the definition indeed specifies one and only one object.

For example

  • Let $n$ be the even prime.

    This makes $n$ well-defined, because there is exactly one even prime, $2$.

  • Let $n$ be the prime between $24$ and $28$.

    This looks like a definition but is not well-defined. There is no prime between $24$ and $28$.

  • Let $n$ be the prime below $10$.

    Again, this is not well-defined, this time because there are several primes below $10$. Note that by saying “the” you claim uniqueness.

  • Let $n$ be the smallest composite prime.

    Again, not well-defined. There is no composite prime because the two notions “composite” and “prime” contradict each other.

Is $X$ a set? I think it is not because $\tan\frac{\pi}2$ is infinity.

Guessing your context, you are correct. I would technically say that, since $\frac\pi2$ is not in the domain of $\tan$, the object $\tan\frac\pi2$ is undefined.

(Unless, maybe if you have previously defined $\infty$ is as an object, and defined $\tan\frac\pi2$ to be $$\tan\frac\pi2 := \lim_{x\to\frac\pi2}\tan x = \infty.$$ But you probably haven't done this.)

People say a set is "well-defined" to mean that there aren't any problems/contradictions/inconsistencies (like the above) when defining it.

The term "well-defined" is not being used to refer to the domain of definition of a partial function (like $\tan$) here, but rather to the fact that not every purported definition defines a set.

A famous example is Bertrand Russell's set of sets that do not contain themselves: $$ R = \{ x \mid x \not\in x \} $$ Then if $R \in R$, this implies that $R \not\in R$, while if $R \not\in R$, unfortunately $R \in R$. Either way we get a contradiction.

The way we use sets nowadays starts with certain sets (e.g. $\omega$, the set of natural numbers) as given and defines others as subsets, and does not allow us to define $R$, so we avoid this contradiction (we cannot prove that a contradiction is avoided, but that just a general feature of mathematical theories that can express enough arithmetical facts and for which the set of provable statements is computably enumerable, nothing to do with set theory in particular).