Can any positive real be approximated as $2^m/3^n$ with $(m,n)$ large enough?

Let $G= \mathbb Z \log 2 + \mathbb Z \log 3$. Then $G$ is an additive subgroup of $\mathbb R$. Since $\log 2 / \log 3$ is irrational, $G$ cannot be cyclic [1] and so must be dense [2]. Therefore, $\log r$ is arbitrarily approximated by elements of $G$.

[1] If $G = \mathbb Z \theta $, then $\log 2 = a \theta$ and $\log 3 = b \theta$ and so $\log 2 / \log 3 = a/b $ is rational.

[2] See

Yes, there are always solutions $(m, n)$ for any positive real $r$ and $\epsilon$ for $$\left| r - \frac{2^m}{3^n} \right| < \epsilon$$ And there's a much more efficient way to find those solutions than stepping through $m$ and $n$ values one by one.

We have $$r \approx 2^m/3^n$$ Taking logarithms, $$\log r \approx m\log 2 - n\log 3$$ $$\log r/\log 2\approx m - n\log 3 / \log 2$$ i.e., $$\log_2 r\approx m - n\log_2 3$$

[Incidentally, $$1 = \frac m{\log_2r}-\frac n{\log_3r}$$ which is a line in the $(m,n)$ plane with $m$ intercept $\log_2r$ and $n$ intercept $-\log_3r$. We want to find when that line passes close to integer $(m, n)$ lattice points].

We can find rational approximations to both those base 2 logarithms to any desired precision. However, to satisfy that equation with integer $m$ and $n$, the denominators of our approximations must be commensurate.

Let $$\log_2 r = f \approx s/t$$ and $$\log_2 3 \approx p/q$$ with the fractions being in lowest terms, i.e., $\gcd(s,t)=gcd(p,q)=1$.

Then $$\frac st = m - n \frac pq$$ $$sq = (qm - pn)t$$ Thus $t|sq$. But $s$ & $t$ are coprime, hence $t|q$.

Let $q=tk$. $$f \approx \frac st = \frac{sk}{tk}=\frac{sk}{q}=\frac dq$$ for some integer $d$.

So, for a given approximation $\frac pq$ to $\log_2 3$, the best rational approximations to $f$ with commensurate denominators are $\frac{d_0}q$ and $\frac{d_1}q$, where $d_0=\lfloor fq\rfloor$ and $d_1=\lceil fq\rceil$. That is, $$\frac{d_0}q \le f \le \frac{d_1}q$$ If $f$ is rational (eg, when $r=\sqrt 2$), then $d_0$ and $d_1$ may be equal.

So for a given $p$ & $q$ we just need to find integers $m$ & $n$ that solve our revised equation $$\frac dq = m - n \frac pq$$ $$d=qm-pn$$ for both $d_0$ and $d_1$. There are solutions for any integer $d$ because $p$ & $q$ are coprime. And those solutions can be found using the extended Euclidean algorithm.

But we also need to find suitable $p$ & $q$. That can be done using the convergents of the continued fraction expansion of $\log_2 3$. The standard algorithm for computing a continued fraction is closely related to the extended Euclidean algorithm, and as that Wikipedia article explains (in Theorem 3), if the $n$th convergent of a continued fraction is $\frac{h_n}{k_n}$ then $$k_nh_{n-1} - k_{n-1}h_n = (-1)^n$$ which enables us to find $m$ and $n$ without doing a separate Euclidean algorithm calculation.

The continued fraction convergent $\frac hk$ of a number $x$ gives the best rational approximations to $x$ for any denominator $\le k$. The error is $$\left|x - \frac hk\right| \le \frac 1{k^2}$$ and it can often be much better. In contrast, the error for an approximation $\frac hk$ with a "random" denominator (i.e., not a continued fraction convergent) is generally around $\frac 1{2k}$.

Unfortunately, because of the need for commensurate denominators in our approximations to the two logarithms, we don't get the full $\frac 1{k^2}$ goodness. But we do generally get better than $\frac 1{k}$.

So to find solutions with better error than a given $\epsilon$, we just need to look at the convergents to $\log_2 3$ with denominators in the neighbourhood of $\frac 1\epsilon$.

Here is some Sage / Python code that performs that task. Sage is a collection of mathematical libraries built on top of the popular Python programming language. It has arbitrary precision arithmetic, and facilities for performing symbolic algebra, but I've (mostly) avoided Sage features in this code (apart from the arbitrary precision arithmetic), to make it easier to port to other languages, if desired; I've also avoided most "Pythonisms", apart from Python's ability to return multiple values from a function.

# Numeric precision. Standard IEEE 754 binary64
# numbers (aka doubles) have 53 bits of precision.
bits = 53

# Limit the length of the continued fraction
depth = 20

def dio(q, p, x, y, d):
    """ Given q, p, x, y: q*x - p*y == 1,
        find the smallest m, n > 0:
        q*m - p*n == d
    m = x * d
    n = y * d
    u = min(m // p, n // q)
    m -= u * p
    n -= u * q
    assert q*m - p*n == d
    return m, n

log2 = log(2).n(bits)
log3 = log(3).n(bits)
def func(m, n):
    """ Calculate 2**m / 3**n """
    # The naive form is too slow for large args,
    # and chews up a lot of RAM because it uses
    # arbitrary precision integer arithmetic.
    # So we use logs instead.
    #return (2**m / 3**n).n(bits)
    return exp(m * log2 - n * log3).n(bits)

def cont_frac(f, depth):
    """ Build lists of the convergents of
        the continued fraction of f
    f = f.n(bits)
    num = [0, 1]
    den = [1, 0]
    for i in range(depth):
        a = floor(f)
        n = num[-2] + a * num[-1]
        d = den[-2] + a * den[-1]
        #print(a, n, d)
        f -= a
        if f < 1e-10:
        f = 1 / f
    return num, den

num, den = cont_frac(log(3, 2), depth)

def main(r=sqrt(2), epsilon=1/1000):
    print("r:", r.n(bits))
    f = log(r, 2)
    s = 1
    digits = 2
    for i in range(3, depth+2):
        s = -s
        p = num[i]
        q = den[i]
        x = num[i-1] * s
        y = den[i-1] * s
        assert q*x - p*y == 1
        fq = f * q
        d0 = floor(fq)
        d1 = ceil(fq)
        print(f"\n{i}: {p} / {q}, {d0} {d1}")
        dseq = [d0]
        if d0 < d1:
            dseq = [d0, d1]
            dseq = [d0]
        for d in dseq:
            m, n = dio(q, p, x, y, d)
            v = func(m, n)
            eps = abs(r - v).n(bits)
            if eps > 0:
                digits = 1 - floor(log(eps, 10))
            print(f"m: {m}, n: {n}")
            print(f"v: {v:.{digits}f}, eps: {eps:.3e}")
            if eps < epsilon:

Here's the output of that program, searching for solutions with $\epsilon=10^{-6}$:

r: 1.41421356237310

3: 2 / 1, 0 1
m: 0, n: 0
v: 1.00, eps: 4.142e-1
m: 1, n: 0
v: 2.00, eps: 5.858e-1

4: 3 / 2, 1 1
m: 2, n: 1
v: 1.333, eps: 8.088e-2

5: 8 / 5, 2 3
m: 2, n: 1
v: 1.333, eps: 8.088e-2
m: 7, n: 4
v: 1.58, eps: 1.660e-1

6: 19 / 12, 6 6
m: 10, n: 6
v: 1.4047, eps: 9.550e-3

7: 65 / 41, 20 21
m: 10, n: 6
v: 1.4047, eps: 9.550e-3
m: 56, n: 35
v: 1.440, eps: 2.603e-2

8: 84 / 53, 26 27
m: 10, n: 6
v: 1.4047, eps: 9.550e-3
m: 75, n: 47
v: 1.4209, eps: 6.645e-3

9: 485 / 306, 153 153
m: 243, n: 153
v: 1.41494, eps: 7.230e-4

10: 1054 / 665, 332 333
m: 812, n: 512
v: 1.41343, eps: 7.844e-4
m: 243, n: 153
v: 1.41494, eps: 7.230e-4

11: 24727 / 15601, 7800 7801
m: 12891, n: 8133
v: 1.414196, eps: 1.800e-5
m: 11837, n: 7468
v: 1.414257, eps: 4.373e-5

12: 50508 / 31867, 15933 15934
m: 12891, n: 8133
v: 1.414196, eps: 1.800e-5
m: 37618, n: 23734
v: 1.4142213, eps: 7.728e-6

13: 125743 / 79335, 39667 39668
m: 88126, n: 55601
v: 1.4142110, eps: 2.546e-6
m: 37618, n: 23734
v: 1.4142213, eps: 7.728e-6

14: 176251 / 111202, 55601 55601
m: 88126, n: 55601
v: 1.4142110, eps: 2.546e-6

15: 301994 / 190537, 95268 95269
m: 88126, n: 55601
v: 1.4142110, eps: 2.546e-6
m: 213869, n: 134936
v: 1.4142162, eps: 2.637e-6

16: 16785921 / 10590737, 5295368 5295369
m: 8241964, n: 5200100
v: 1.414213479, eps: 8.295e-8

And here is a live version that you can play with on the SageMath server. My code isn't stored on the server, it's encoded in the URL.

If you get weird behaviour with small $\epsilon$, try increasing the number of the bits global variable (at the top of the file). The default setting of 53 should be ok for $\epsilon > 10^{-8}$ or so. You may also need to increase the depth of the continued fraction.

FWIW, $\log_2 3$ is rather important in the mathematical music theory of equally-tempered scales. The standard 12 tone scale uses the convergent $19/12$.